We love to invite you. 

To an experience of lifetimes. To a place that doesn't need much imagination for it is where your magic and mysticism can be re- born. We won't promise you a rose garden because it is your very own promise that you will remember. Your decision to become who you are is possible since we remember who you are.  Know that this retraite is not so much about doing, becoming and knowing more. It is about slowing down, softening and creating the right environment for the rose to unfold and remember her essence. 

As women we can easily do more than our natural rhythm wants us to. Therefore we can burn out, become hard and seek ways to escape this insecurity of being out of balance. Our power awaits in softening, slowing down and returning to our natural blueprint. While we often try to do this alone, we got hurt in earlier relationships and therefore we can heal in relationships.

What we as women long for is safety and security, a safe haven where we can feel ourselves while we express, create and surrender. This retraite will be all about seeing where you want more than your body can handle while also feeling where you adapted believes you were less than you are. This gathering of women will be all about restoring patriarchal believes while retrieving codes of royalty. 

We invite 14 women who hear the call to dive into the nectar of their own chalice of gnosis while feeling connected to the land and the blueprint of the cathars. We invite 14 women who are ready to experience rest, connection and surrender while everything is being taken care of.

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The retrait

September 29, 2022- October 3, 2022

What can you expect?

Homecoming, relaxation and unfolding miracles. Restoration of your true architecture, original blueprint and union with parts of yourself that are dying to be seen.

A safe space where you can be you is our promise since we remember we are home in our body, blueprint and mission on earth. Working with the nervous system, the messages of the body and holistic practices will be used throughout the whole retraite.  We will work with the present fields of the land, ancestors, soul parts and elements by slowing down, meditating, dreaming and dancing. We will practice breath work, constellations and visualization to dive into desires of the heart.

Prayer will be a daily reminder to honor all that is present. You will be asked to join the activities as you also will have time to relax, swim, journal or enjoy the group and nature.

While miracles will be waiting, it is our (group) effort that will set the tone. This means we will work with our own energy, the energy of the land and the blueprint of the individuals and the group. We are well aware the group that you will be a part of, is connected to the cathars, the  priestesses that believe(d) in sovereignty, self mastery and the right to be in union with their source. This means we will hold space for all that is coming up that wants to be seen. We are in service to the unified field, so know that surprises are part of the retraite.


This means your initiation will start the moment you enter this container that starts even before the retraite. Since the Cathars are connected to the mother, the feminine and therefore the womb space, we will work with the womb in connection to the heart and head with multiple tools and practices. This will often be connected to parts of the grid we are assigned to work with as this moment. 

Day 1
Check in from 14.00/2pm*
Setting in
Opening Ceremony/celebration

Day 2,3 & 4
Morning practice
Morning Temple
Afternoon Temple
Evening practice

Day 5
Morning practice
Closing Ceremony
Check out

* This is an example schedule & changes may be made along the way.

Domaine de Mournac


Domaine de Mournac, southwest France.

Domaine de Mournac is a beautiful luxurious retreat space in a valley surrounded by vine yards and the Pyrenees mountains. Located in the center of the cathar region, only 45 minutes away from Carcassonne.

With a heated swimming pool, delicious homemade meals, fresh fruits, and local wines included, a living room with a fire place for our cozy evenings, a small chapel covered with roses next to the main house, spaces where you can retreat and be all by yourself.

Located between the Mediterranean sea and the Pyrenees mountain, our retreat space reflects the majestic stillness and endless views of rolling hills of the natural park it is settled in.

And there is more...

You have the possibility to join us on the pilgrim 3 days before. We are staying in  place called 'Les Labadous, which is located at the foothills of Rennes le Chateau. An ancient and powerful place known to be connected to the cathars. We will arrive, ground and begin the gridwork in this place. We are planning on visiting the cave close by, where according to stories, Mary Magdalene has been. 

The accommodation is between 35 and 75 euro, depending on the room you're choosing and breakfast can be included for 9,50.

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Price includes all sessions, ceremonies, your stay for 4 nights, daily 3 nourishing vegetarian meals, fruits, snacks & beverages. Not included are your flights & transport to the retraite center.

Closest airport: Toulouse & Carcassonne
Closest trainstation: Carcassonne
Closest bus station: Couiza Montazels
Price retraite
There are only double rooms available. The price for the whole retreate is 1400 euro.

For more information and/or booking please send us an email:

This is for you if....

  • You long to be held in a safe space of true sisterhood.
    Softening, opening & deeper surrendering into the woman you came here to be.
  • You desire to unfold your feminine arts.
    By celebrating and connecting to your body, mind and soul.
  • You feel the call to dive into your own magic.
    We know it can be scary as f*ck to walk through memories where you lost your magic but also how liberation it is to feel free.
  • You are ready for more peace, joy and purpose.
    You desire the life you already have in a time where you have slowed down, remembered and embodied your vision. 
  • You are willing to let go of:
    Negative believes, patterns, places and people to open new doors that are waiting for you.

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What you can expect:

There is just something that shifts when you are in our container. Initiations and miracles happen and you start to feel your energy moving in a different way.

This retreat will bring you:

* embodiment, sovereignty and integration
* Emotional healing & inner alchemy
* Reclamation of joy, relaxation and courage
* Mind, heart and womb connection
* Father and mother wounds insights
* Masculine and feminine wounds insights
* Feminine arts
* Deep conversations and community

Feeling a celebrational yes? 

Write I AM HER behind your name and we will get back to you soon!

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